Advanced EMT Class - Applications are now closed. The next class will start in 2026.
The Danville Area Training Center (DATC) and Danville Community College Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) will start on February 11, 2025. The class will run into July 2025.
The class will be from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Tuesday or Thursday evenings and is scheduled to end in July of 2025. Class will be one evening a week. The same class will be taught on Tuesday and Thursday. This will allow for a workaround for most prehospital providers. There will be two or three Saturday classes on the syllabus. All classroom instruction will take place at the DATC, located at 630 Randolph Street. This class will require students to watch online content created by our instructors between in-person classes.
Classroom attendance must remain at 85% or more for class completion. 48 hours of hospital clinical hours and 48 hours of prehospital clinical time are also required for the class. Prerequisites for the AEMT Class are a valid CPR card (start of class and certification test) and a valid EMT certification. You must be 18 years old before the start date of the class. There are also requirements that must be met prior to starting the 48 hours of hospital clinical time. These requirements will be explained in detail during interviews. A mandatory orientation night is also required. You can attend orientation on January 28th or 30th.
Tuition for the class will be $1150 per student. With the support of the FastForward program at DCC, the cost will be greatly reduced. DCC looks at household income to assist students who meet certain income requirements to determine final costs for the class. Costs include the following: textbook, Platinum Planner with EMT testing, background check, drug screen, and two AEMT shirts. The class will be limited to 20 students. Interviews will be conducted in mid-January to establish membership in the class. Interview times will be assigned after the application deadline. Class tuition will be due once the final cost per student is determined by DCC.
​Please download, fill out, and email the completed application to